Monday, April 13, 2009

Bel Pasto~

继上一篇~12 April 09 的日记~我曾提起,我的晚餐是在名为Bel Pasto 的意大利餐厅享用的~

当打开餐厅的大门,气氛立即变得与外界不一样,一切的节奏都慢了下来~我挺直着身子,以着高贵优雅的气息、姿态坐了下来,彬彬有礼的招待员也不怠慢,立即递上食谱清单。与一般的餐馆不一样,在递上食谱后,并不会站在桌旁等待客人的点餐,招待员会暂时走开,让客人有足够的时间选择,这样,至少不会对精神产生催赶压迫的心理。期间,我注意到在最后靠近柜台的桌子,坐着一名雄壮的外国大汉,甚是英俊,似在玩弄着手中的酒瓶,可能是私人珍藏品,舍不得享用而犹豫不定吧~没想到,他是那边的主厨呢~也可能是老板吧,要不然怎么可能可以如此悠闲呢?点餐后,周围的环境,让我们忘却平时对等待食物的那种厌烦感,唱机播着‘猫王’浑厚却温柔的歌声,一首My Way, 又一首Moon River~~悠雅的音乐徐徐入耳,和朋友慢悠悠,小声的谈话,有声更胜无声的寂静。。。
不一下子,我们的starter便上桌了,一碗蘑菇汤(Mushroom Soup)及一盘蒜头面包(Garlic Bread)


随即,热饮也端上来了,一杯latte(left)、 一杯Cappucino(right)。两杯同样是咖啡却不一样的味道。。虽我没什么懂得品尝这一类咖啡热饮,但是只凭卖相,已经很不错了~

若有谁会品尝的,不妨在品尝后告诉我,这两杯latte & cappucino 是否把你给灌醉了~

前餐,我们已经吃完,招待员们便端来我们的主餐,Pasta~ Spag. Olio(spicy), Bolognese, and MaCa. Milanese(beef)(左至右顺序排列)

带有辣味的olio可能会成为某些人的挚爱,才8.90的价钱,吃一盘意大利面,并不会太昂贵,更何况是在这种优雅的环,或许会品尝出不一样的味道~我吃的便是第二盘的Chicken Bolognese..9.90的价钱仅次于Olio,是食谱中最便宜而且不辣的那个,不好辣椒者可以选择这一盘意大利面,虽不是主厨推荐的食物,但是我觉得还蛮不错的,肉碎搭配番茄酱汁,干捞仅仅熟干的面~而另一位朋友,就点了牛肉通心粉,非道教者,可以点来吃~可以品尝到除鸡肉外,不一样的肉味。。

前菜,主餐,热饮~自然少不了餐后甜品。。而Bel Pasto出名的甜品便是Tiramisu蛋糕。。没有饼底托着,Tiramusu蛋糕却能挺挺的站立,下了自然是不少的功夫~
后记:有女朋友的男生,不妨带着另一半到这里享用晚餐~最好是过了繁忙时间后,环境效果会更好的。。据我所知,在Metro Prima和Aman Puri都有一间~但价钱好象不一样~

Diary for 12, april 2009~

Today is the day that I ever over-spent…However, all what I spent at are more valuable than the cost that I had paid. This is what about today…

12,April 2009, Sunday – The last day of PIKOM PC Fair where held in KLCC convention centre. Hao Chia(Lyne) had asked me whether I will follow or to accompany him to go to PC Fair..Since I felt so boring today and I would like to buy some PC programming book for self-study, I agreed to accompany him to go KLCC, Huan Yang(hy) as well. About 2.30pm, Lyne reached my home and fetch me together with hy and start going to KLCC. Unfortunately, it’s rainy day , and it wasn’t look good. We just take on the risk, “Flying” to KLCC, because we think it was late when we reach there. Just like what had mentioned, when we reach there, we got stuck in the bad traffic jam, turn round and round in KLCC surrounding, to look for a car parking. More than 1 and half hour we find for the car parking..Finally, we found that car parking which is near to KLCC convention centre, with fix rate RM6.00, a quite reasonable price. Gosh….look at the clock, it was almost 5pm, you can imagine how long we got stuck in there.

The hungriness urged me to have a lunch quickly, if not I couldn’t continue my KLCC journey as well as to write my blog here. We had chosen BurgerKing instead of A&W to have our simple meal. Oo…it is second time I have my meal in BurgerKing, my first experience was bad that I could still remember the staff continuously gave me the wrong balance, swt!! Of cause, because of Sunday and the PC Fair exhibition, there were so much people queuing up for ordering the food. After we finished our lunch, we step forward into convention centre through the tunnel. Nothing much different in the PC Fair compare to last time in January, the most would be the MP5 and the RM1k earphone. Technology nowadays is growing very fast, 5th generation Media Player even launched and sold in market, and that I don’t even know. Hence, I think I have to update my knowledge more often and frequent.

It was shock one, how could a headphone cost 1.3K ringgits?? It surprised me!! Lyne and I requested to have a demo about that headphone to try out what special effect by using. Ooo.. No wonder~ when I wearing the headphone, I couldn’t hear the noise in surrounding, just like listen to a closed concert, the echo sound in ear had totally covered the noise outside. Although I know the promoter who was just stand beside me talking with me, but I really cannot heard what she said. Somehow, I think it is a negative to me, firstly, the damage caused to our listening would surely amplified compare to a normal headset. Secondly, think about it, how if someone is shout for emergency calling? Like Fire, bla bla bla?

Follow on, after we exit the PC Fair and redeemed all the free gifts in counter, we go to Kinokuniya Book Store. Wow, all the books are categorized and placed neatly in the bookshelf. I saw the programming bookshelf part, and I walk there to choose which programming language that I want to study during my 2-month-holiday.. Originally, I would like to choose to learn C#, but my friend said got free E-book, so I changed my mind, select Java programming language to learn first. Don’t be surprise why I choose to study Java by self as it can be learn in class. I think there are many languages need Java as fundamental, Like JSP, .Net…Hence, I think I have to master Java first before I learn other languages.

It was quite late after we exit Kinokuniya, so we decided to have dinner outside, after that only back home. We had argued along the route, cause we don’t know want to eat what. We finally selected an Italian food restaurant – Bel Pasto…Then, we had go back home~ Home sweet Home~

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Moral Values consisted with environment protection

This is one of my assignment, it may not so good in writting skill and may be others as well, but I would like to share it with you all.

Ecology is becoming a more and more important subject nowadays because it scientifically studies the relation of nature and living organisms with each other as well as with their surroundings. Furthermore, this subject investigates the unique interactions in our environment. Amid this, global warming was one of the issues which had been discussed recently. An article titled “Global Warming” had been written and published on NASA website at 11 May 2007 and the author of the article – Holli Riebeek, had compiled the facts and some figures over global warming inside his article.
In the article, author stated that there were almost 600 scientists had sifted more than thousand of studies in last five years and concluded that warming of the climate system is unequivocal. Evidently, humans are to be blame for this phenomenon because of greenhouse gases that spewed from cars and factories. However, would slight increase of temperatures for decades cause a big problem for human? Yes, it is. Even a slight change on temperatures over a century is capable of producing significant changes in environment and way of life. With the significant figures that had been recorded, scientists predicted that in the future, the temperature will keep on rising, cause the seas rise, which could leave low-lying nations awash in seawater. Hence, human is necessary to understand what global warming is and how does it impact humanity.

Firstly, egoism moral theory took in case to be discussed. An egoist would consider a value as good if it benefits the egoist himself, and bad or cruel if it harms or causes him to suffer a loss. “For decades, cars and factories have spewed billions of tons of greenhouse gases into atmosphere,” which is abstracted from article, had shown that humans are egoists; they had considered their self interest is more important than the environment surrounding. According to John Dewey, these moral behaviors were being encouraged because of their actions were generally accepted and they were social conditioned.
In detail, humans’ action on their selfishness is in aligns with the principle of ethical egoism. It is because humans possess the right to act in a way that can bring the highest good. Indeed, the highest advantage for human will be the conveniences that brought by vehicles and factories. Vehicles may give convenience for human to travel from different places, whereas, factories produce a lot of product which satisfied human materialistic lives. It had exactly showed that human had the moral obligation to act and to make decisions by referring the moral standard that increasing their own welfare.

Secondly, deontological theory is referred in this case too. In deontological theory, the basic duties and rights of individuals or groups and act in accordance with those guidelines will be mainly considered. Mostly, the decision to be made will depend on how an individual or a group considers the moral obligations. If humans wanted to act morally according to deontological theory, they must have self-consciousness in receiving specific constraints, such as to protect environment for avoiding continuingly global warming, which place their limits between self-interest and general good. Apart from that, human needs to judge his or her action depend on the standard, and not on pleasure of suffering, whenever it is consistent with the rules, it would be regarded as moral, otherwise, it is not.
According to principle of duty, human should do a moral duty towards others, such as towards environment in this case. Humans want to do something to protect environment heartily, such as reducing use of unrecyclable resource. If recyclable resources are being used widely, it would help to reduce consuming of new resources. As a result, it lengthened the duration of consuming limited resources. With freedom set for human, they would want to measure the conditions and benefits between them and the environment intelligently and finally make an appropriate choice to perform their moral action.

Thirdly, society authorities are required to pay more efforts on this issue. Since they have adequate authoritative power to control or influence the entire society to act morally to the environment, they need to create rules and orders for society to follow for achieving the goal. After social orders had been created, it would become a tradition for future generations; make them aware of environment issues. Certainly, the social orders would need to be modified so that it could suit future situation, hence the future generations would not follow it blindly.

Finally, in aligns with moral ethical dimensions, human would want to judge their actions in three dimensional ways, which are moral reasoning, moral feeling, and moral performance. First of all, humans have to think about the environment surrounding, if the environment being destroyed, it would resulting that the ecosystem would also be influenced and even cause species extinction. Hence, starting protect environment to avoid impact to ecosystem as well as continuingly global warming as humans’ main reason. Thus, they may feel sympathies to environment, the animals and earth. This avoidance can be done through some simple actions, especially in humans’ daily lives. Humans should bring along their personal Tupperware or container to pile the foods, instead of using unrecyclable plastic bags.

In a nutshell, human would needs to take attention to their action, which had spewed a lot of greenhouse gases that may cause green house effect, even global warming. Although humans possess their right to create anything that may brings side effect on environment, such as air pollution, increasing their own welfare, they are obligate to protect the environment, and it would finally benefits human in long term. Furthermore, human should balance their self-interest and general goods, act morally according principle of duty.
Besides that, human would need to have social morality which can be achieve by following the social orders set by society authorities, who will lead the entire society to aware of the climate changes and start protecting the environment. Apart from that, in aligns with moral ethical dimensions, humans would perform their moral actions after they morally judging their actions with a moral reason and the feeling on it. Humans need to gain an understanding of how is environment protection consisted with moral values.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Earth Hour 60







请于28/3/2009 晚上8:30-9:30 关掉电灯,风扇。。电源。。响应Earth Hour 2009 环保活动~


更希望给我留下comment ba~


No acting on it out!

Sunday, March 1, 2009


曾几何时, 我唱故我在成了我msn的显示名称。。顾名思义,我存在,因为我歌唱~


我并不是一个职业的歌唱者。。我没有应允需要去出专辑,因为我知道我做不到。我只是一个业余唱歌的人。。有着那么一点知识以及天赐的声音去闯江湖~我曾经参加过合唱团,他让我认识到歌唱的另一种境界。合唱是一个用着不同声音,通过空间的交感,产生一种让人听了又一种身心感动的声磁,四个声部SATB( Suprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass)的声感交错唱出来的声音。。现在我毕业了~离开合唱团也有1年的日子,真是想念当年歌唱的日子。



其实,我对歌唱有着一份真挚,看过了几部以歌唱为主题的电影,moulin rouge, High School Musical 等。。他们都是表达着几乎一样的讯息,就是用歌唱来沟通,他们发自内心的把心中的词唱出来,真情流露,这种唱法,我是最为提倡的。配合自己的身体语言,再敢敢地show出来,其实并不丑~学会放开、出丑,是学习的第一步。。我个人非常向往这一种唱法,我总是想着,如果有一天我有机会统筹一个歌唱节目,它会是一个与民同乐,带动观众动起来一起唱歌的节目~


Sunday, February 22, 2009

《东声。西乐》~ 当陆在易遇上John。Rutter

2/21 日,是东声西乐正式对外演出的第一天。。




首,曲目的安排,虽然是东声与西乐,但是陆在易和John Rutter 的歌曲被断暂的中场休息清清楚楚地划分开来,因此,我不能从中听东风与西风对碰下有着什么火花。次,对于下半场第一首歌,Candlelight Carol, 团员们的排法应该有问题吧?!因为一字排开,Suprano站在前面,Bass却对着我的那一排,整首曲子,我不能听到任何和谐感,因为除了bass,我不能听到其它声部了~

对于四声部中,无疑,Tenor让我应像最深刻,因为Tenor们的音色都很沉实,缺乏一种嘹亮感,可能是基于教练的要求,Tenor们都显得很Man..但是在某些歌曲高音的部分时,Tenor1 的高音确实恰到好处,清晰的音准,用着pp的声量支持着歌曲的range~

不能参与演出是我的遗憾,但愿下一次我会有机会, 适当地抛开及保留我的歌唱知识,从新学习~

Friday, February 20, 2009


1. I could say that's a bit nervy when I see you, hold up a space for me..I need relax and think about it~
x 版本:

2. My nerve is beyond my control....set me free from seeing u~~~~~~
x 版本:

3. i Living On Viewing Endless U ( Abbreviated i Love U)
x 版本:

4.My love on you, is unstoppable.
正解:我对你的爱是无止境的。。Dota 版本:
我对你的爱,就像Dota杀了几个hero, 停不下来了

5. My love on you, is beyond godlike..
正解:我对你的爱是无止境的。。x 版本:

6. If your love is spirit.....den I would to turn myself into soul..
x 版本:
a)如果你的爱,你的心,就像着 灵魂, 那么我只能转身为 精神????(诡异版)
b)你象征着 圣灵,我转身为 圣子,我们与上帝 成为 三位一体 的神灵..(神圣版)

7. I will empty my body to become your love storage
正解:我将空着我的身心,以盛装你的爱~x 版本:

8. I knew that I’m ugly...but I’m pretty kind~
正解:我知道我很丑,可是我很温柔x 版本:
a) 我深知我是那么无比的丑陋,但其实,我是粉善良的
b) 我知道我是美丽与丑陋的结合体,所以也很善良 (美学版)
c) 我知道我是怪咔,但是!!怪咔都是善良的 (狡辩版)]

9. You are my angel..How can I meet you?
正解:你是我的天使,我该如何遇上你?x 版本:
a) 我的天使!!!!如何使我归西时见到你 (佛学版)
b) 怪卡:你是我的天使,我要把你从天堂扯下来(暴力版)
c) 我的天使,怎样,可以跟你开会吗?(生意版)
d) 你就是我的天使,你在天上要我怎样见到你??下来啦!!(我最喜欢这个。。)

10. You are the only one rose among those tulips, you are charming me!!
正解:你是郁金香群中唯一的玫瑰,深深地吸引着我~x 版本:
a) 你是长在郁金香里的玫瑰,就像是丑小鸭的故事般,你就是外星人!!(误解版)
b) 你是唯一...你是郁金香中的玫瑰...弄到我很帅。。(自恋版)
c) 你是唯一...你是郁金香中的玫瑰...吸到我很爽。。(无厘头版)

11. Water hybrid by hydro and oxy~....I would be the hydro.. Cause, I wouldn’t want to see you get burnt of yourself.
x 版本:
a) 水,是液态的氢与氧,我宁可成为氢,因为不想让你自焚自尽. (化学版)
b) 水,是有轻跟痒组成...我要变轻...因为...我不要你痒得欲火焚身(下流版)

12. I will bring torchlight along with my cat in night.. Whose light brighter will be my love on you
x 版本:
a) 带着手电筒和一只猫,在夜深人静时,那最亮的就是我的对你爱~~
b) 在晚上拿着一支手电筒照着一只猫,当它吓到眼睛发亮时,就是我爱你的时候...

13. Do I need to run with Olympic torch for N miles before reaching your heart?
x 版本:
a) 你是不是要我在olympic那里跑N里才能得到你的心? (Olympic版)
b) 你是不是要我拿着圣火追你九条街威胁你来打开你的心?(恐吓版)
c) 你是不是要我拿着圣火追你九条街来烧你,你才肯打开你的心?(暴力版)

14. I hope I’m the water within you....if u are the fish~
x 版本:
a) 我希望能抽完你的水,如果你是水鱼
b) 我希望我是水,你是鱼,成双成对变水鱼
c) 我是一条水,你是一条鱼,我们一起做水鱼~

15. My love is never being endless...because I had met you!
x 版本:

16. I will always memorize how you look like....Memory will be updated every 10 years until my next birth~

17. If I’m the only one guy in this world....Will I get rights to open your heart?
x 版本:
